Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Entry 3: How did my literacy path begin?

 Following the text you will find a link to a Padlet that has the influences of my early childhood literacy development! Family has always been a huge influence for me and my parents did their best to make sure that I could read and write. There were also several texts that influenced me at a young age! I hope you enjoy the following link! 


  1. Chloe, can you make this link active on the site so people can click on it and it takes the reader immediately to your collage?

  2. P.S. I find all these images impressive, but I admit I particularly like the image of you and your Dad. It's great!


Entry 11: My Last Blog- Final Thoughts

 At the beginning of this semester I thought I knew what literacy was. I thought that reading was reading and writing was writing and there ...